FASET Summer 2025 Schedule (Registration opens mid-April!)
It's about that time incoming Yellow-Jackets! We cannot wait to see you and your guests at FASET Orientation this Summer! If you have any questions about the dates below, please email our office at transitionprograms@studentlife.gatech.edu. Just a few notes about these FASET dates:
- All sessions will be filled on a first-come first-served basis.
- Pre-communication about your FASET session will come around 2 weeks prior to your session. Both students' and guests' pre-communication information about your upcoming FASET session will come through the student's email ONLY.
- Please note, the registration period closes 15 business days before every FASET session.
- Time tickets cannot be arranged or requested for ANY session during the Summer.
- Early-arrival housing is only provided to Fall First-Year students at this time
- If a session has reached capacity during the day you would like to attend, consider filling out a change of session request form in your FASET portal!
- Due to spacing concerns, we are not able to accommodate more than 2 guests (Fall First-Year Sessions) and 1 guest (Transfer Sessions).
- All parking in the W02 Lot will be validated at the conclusion of each FASET session.

Georgia Tech Summer 2025 FASET Dates