FASET Cabinet

The FASET cabinet is made up of a group of 9 student executive board members that work on projects throughout the year to plan and facilitate new student orientation. FASET cabinet also serves as mentors for all our FASET leaders who welcome new students, parents, and guests during FASET sessions.

Visit the Cabinet's webpage to learn more about its role in making FASET happen and how you can be part of the team.

FASET Leaders

The FASET leader staff, comprised of almost 50 student leaders makes Georgia Tech's orientation team unique from most schools around the country. FASET attracts the best and brightest leaders from all backgrounds to give each person going through orientation a sample of what wonderful diversity Georgia Tech has to offer. All leaders are required to learn important campus information so they can provide the highest level of customer service to our incoming students and their guests during FASET.

Visit the Leader Staff webpage to learn more about their role during FASET and how you can be part of the team.